I just finished fully integrating my music into the site, after having it as a separate site for a long time. I haven’t had time to actually make any music for a long time now, but I’ve been going nuts wanting to, and invested in some new equipment and made a nice little home music studio setup in preparation for hopefully having some time later this year. When I finally do make brand new music, it’ll be under a new name, with new gear, new software, and a new sound. Figured a new, prettier, more in-depth site would fit that well! Click above, or here to go check it out!
Also, I added my old pre-2000 albums to the Archive page, just in case you want to read about and see art from my bizarre old “Evil Eye” albums.
There are probably some little errors I need to fix here and there, and I also plan on adding more later, but I have another avalanche of manga work coming up, so this is good for now. Catch you on the flipside!
PS: I’ll be coming to AnimeNYC for the first time, this August! I have no idea what my financial / time situation will be like then, but I got a badge, so I’ll figure it out. no set plans now, but if I end up doing any panels or other events, I’ll post more info on that later!