Okay, in less naked news, I added a bunch of… well, odds & ends to the site, mostly to the Design page, but one to Illustration as well. Mostly stuff from the past year that I for some reason forgot to upload, but also a few brand new things.
- “Sugar Brain 3″ LP packaging The full layout design for my newest album. All collage goodness with rainbows, tigers, and unsettling people with glowing eyes. What more could you want? Don’t forget, you can download the album for free if you so desire!
- “Cradle 2 the Grave” mix-CD packaging A morbidly-titled mix that I passed out at my birthday party earlier this year.
- “3 for Marie” mix-CD packaging The packaging design for a three-disc mix I made for one of my best buddies, Marie.
- “Testarossa” mix-CD packaging An epic five-disc mix-CD set I made for my last girlfriend when we were still dating. Might be strange of me to post it here, but I was always proud of that cover design.
- “Wedding Road Trip” page headers Headers I made for a blog following two young newlyweds on a cross country marriagepalooza.
- Honey Badger: A Thug in His Own Right A t-shirt design I made that Ryan and I were going to put out, inspired by motorcycle club jackets and vicious mammals, but then the Honey Badger meme got stale and we lost interest. Pretty funny image though, so check it out.
In other news, I made a bunch of subtle tweaks all over the site. Now all the copyright dates are correct. Well, let’s rephrase that. I get lazy about going through the whole site each year and changing all the dates, and I’m not enough of a coding wizard to install a site-wide auto-updating line of date code. Thus, now it just says “© Evan Hayden” instead of “© YEAR Evan Hayden”. It’s my copyrighted work, regardless of the year anyway. I can see you falling asleep from here, so I’ll get onto the other site tweaks… I also redid some of the thumbnails on the Design page to better reflect their content, mostly notably in the album packaging (square thumbnails now to give a quick preview of the whole album cover), and in the logos (thin borders on the thumbnail boxes now to make everything more cohesive). The other change I made was in taking most of the text on the screen and bumping it up a size. In my opinion, this isn’t as pretty as delicate small text on the page, but it’s more readable in general, and I was getting tired of leaning so close to my monitor to read my own dang site! (and others mentioned to me that the old font was too small as well). So in general these tweaks mean better accessibility for others, and less updating headaches for me!