Beyond Recognition post-mortem

The Beyond Recognition show went well for me. I showed eight pieces, and sold half of them. Yayy! It’s looking like I will be a part of the follow-up show, happening in September. I’ll keep you posted…  It was a fun show. My 15 year old nephew was visiting me for a few days, from Michigan, so it was cool to expose him to some good artists. In addition to 2D pieces, there was some sculptural work, as well as fashion, and some bands played. Lots of people showed up – maybe about 200-300. Here are a few shots from the evening (click the pics to go to their respective Flickr pages with bigger views):


Beyond Recognition - my art space
My bit of wall space
Beyond Recognition - happy customers!
Happy customers!

These fine folks from Jubilee Hair Studio bought four of my pieces!


Beyond Recognition
Missy Feigum

I loved this girl’s art. Check out more.


Beyond Recognition
Left: Kelli posing with her art. Nice girl who makes good art. Right: Dunno whose art this is, but I dug it.

Beyond Recognition
Probably about 200-300 people showed up over the course of the evening. Nice turnout.

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